There are countless benefits to getting a massage. Whether it be just for relaxation purposes, improving circulation or decreasing joint pain, it is important to treat your body to a massage. The largest organ is your skin, right? We should consider it to be essential while taking care of our body.
A therapeutic or relaxation massage can have tremendous effects on your body physically and mentally. Anika Skincare wants to help you. A Sports Massage or a Deep Tissue Massage is meant to affect only certain areas; verses a relaxation massage, most commonly--a Swedish Massage, will cover most areas of the body. We have laid out a few of the reasons a massage can be beneficial for you.
Chronic Pain. This can be caused by an injury or long term illness and tends to increase stress and anxiety in your body. A massage will ultimately disturb the cycle of pain by stimulating the nerve fibers, which will then reduce or relieve the pain from reoccurring. A study done in 2014 found that an hour long massage session 2 or 3 times a week for about a month can potentially relieve chronic neck pain better than fewer to no massage sessions (Harvard Health Publishing). At Anika Skincare, we also offer a complimentary LED Phototherapy Light Pain relief treatment with all 1 hour or longer services. This could do wonders for your chronic pain!
A Better Night’s Sleep. Whether you suffer from insomnia or any sleeping difficulties a therapeutic massage will actually slow down the nervous system. If your nervous system is extremely active, it is common to have trouble falling asleep. As most of us know, massage & relaxation are two terms that go hand-in-hand. By triggering a release of serotonin, a massage will naturally make you feel more calm. It only makes sense that it will help get you some REM sleep too.
Improved Skin. A massage can assist in removing dead skin cells and promote skin regeneration. This can reduce scars or stretch marks to improve the skin’s appearance. This is due to the increase in your body’s blood flow during a massage session. A massage can furthermore increase production of sweat, which in turn helps remove waste from skin and improves your sweat glands.
Your Mental Wellness. Massage therapy has become a mainstream treatment formultiple kinds of mental health symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression.
According to the University of Miami Health System, having consistent massages produces antidepressant effects. As a result of producing serotonin and oxytocin, massages can stabilize your mood, promote trust, relaxation and less stress.
When incorporating LED Light Therapy into a massage or at-home, it has various healing benefits for your body. This is why, at Anika Beauty, we are offering this treatment when you get a 1-hour massage or more!
Written By Megan Ward
Learn more about services offer at Anika Skincare and Makeup...
Teresa Paquin, Owner Anika Skincare & Makeup
Licensed NH Aesthetician, Certified Microcurrent Practioner and Makeup Artist - offers skincare and makeup consultations by phone for individuals who cannot come into the Hudson, NH location. Or, have product questions. See what Anika clients are saying! Testimonies . Please call 603.595.0224
Teresa's background and education
Teresa has worked in the makeup industry since she was 19 years old. Her education was in Boston and NYC in Film, TV, and Fashion & Beauty makeup. Teresa’s work has been featured in national magazines where she also served as a Beauty Contributor for Allured Publishing in the beauty industry. She was chosen by Allured Publishing to be their Creative Director for several years, creating the covers of their magazines, doing the model makeup, choosing the photographers, models and themes according to their editorial calendar. She has been a freelance Makeup Artist for film, television, weddings, beauty makeovers which included teaching beauty industry professionals classes.
In addition to her makeup work, Teresa is a skincare formulator, and NH Aesthetician, where she provides advanced skincare such as micro current facials, radiofrequency treatments for skin imperfections and makeup services for her NH & MA clients, and operates an e-commerce beauty store.