- surgeons use chemicals such as liquid nitrogen to freeze off the syringoma.
Dermabrasion- doctors use a diamond-encrusted wheel or fine metal wire to even out the top layers of the skin. This procedure is not common for syringoma treatment because syringomas are rooted deep in the skin.
Chemical peels
- trichloroacetic acid can be applied directly to the syringoma, causing it to dry
up and fall off. When done by a trained professional, chemical peels often do not cause scarring.
Surgical excision
- some cases of syringomas require removal using traditional cutting, scraping,
and peeling instruments. Surgery is a last resort option due to the inevitability of scarring andtissue damage. Excision is sometimes the only option for papules that are embedded deeply in the skin. Surgeons use sutures or stitches to close the open wound.