March 25, 2022
FAQ’s Regarding Light Therapy
Do you struggle with acne and are looking for a painless, noninvasive way to treat it? Do you suffer from skin conditions like acne, sun damaged skin or wrinkles and need a treatment that will improve your skin? There are a number of skin concerns and issues that can be treated with light therapy. We have a blog post up all about LED light therapy, so if you want to learn more about it in detail go check that blog out! In short, light therapy is the application of light energy to the surface of the body for therapeutic benefits. It utilizes a process similar to photosynthesis to generate the production of collagen while also helping to repair and replenish damaged skin cells. This treatment results in a smoother skin texture, improved skin firmness and resilience, increased lymphatic system activity, restored skin cellular activity, and reduced appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. This treatment is painless, noninvasive, and requires no down time so the patient can return to normal activities immediately after treatment. There is really nothing to lose and so much to gain by trying light therapy.
Now that you have a brief understanding of what light therapy is, let’s get into some of the most frequently asked questions.
How safe is light therapy? – Light therapy is based on light emitting diode (LED) technology that was developed for NASA-manned space flight experiments. Sounds intimidating but bear with me. The patented LED technology generates very minor amounts of heat and is not considered a significant risk device. It has been heavily scientifically researched, tested on, and is FDA approved.
Does light therapy hurt? – Not at all! Light therapy is a noninvasive and painless treatment when used as it is intended to be. Light therapy is also offered in handheld devices or panels so it’s not a treatment that you have to get done at an esthetician’s office. You can even do it in the comfort of your own home.
Are there any harmful side effects of light therapy? – Like statement earlier, LED light devices are extremely low risk when used as intended. You should feel no pain during the treatment and no pain following it.
Does light therapy use UV light? – We can see how this could be confusing, but no light therapy does not use any UV light. Only light emitting diodes (LEDs).
How long does a light therapy session last? – This can be different depending on the specialist that you are seeing and what treatment you are getting. Treatments are typically 20 minutes and can go up to 30 sometimes (for acne usually).
What do I need to do to prepare for a light therapy treatment? – Your skin should be free of clothing, makeup, or anything else that could potentially deflect light away from the skin. Since the lights are held in close proximity to the area being treated, it is best to have nothing on your face to block the light. There are some contraindications that your Esthetician can go over during a skincare consultation.
Why do I need to remove makeup? – Makeup formulas often contain minerals and ingredients that may deflect light. It is recommended that your skin is clean, even freshly washed, to achieve the best results.
What is the best position to be in for a light therapy treatment? – This is all based on personal preference. When you get a light therapy treatment done in a professional office, they will typically have you lay down, however, if you’re using a handheld device, or panel either seated or lying down is fine. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the lights.
How close are the LED’s supposed to be to the treatment area? – The lights should be positioned as close to your skin as possible. The closer the better honestly!
What do I have to do after a light therapy treatment? – Nothing! LED light therapy doesn’t require any post care and it is safe to resume all normal activities immediately following use. Simply follow with your normal at home skincare routine.
Who is light therapy best for? – If you are under the age of 12, breast feeding or pregnant, you should not use light therapy. But other than that, most people can. Light therapy targets a large number of skin concerns, and it is safe for most skin types. If you are even the slightest bit interested, you should check it out!
What are the benefits of LED light therapy? – there are many benefits to light therapy, but the following are benefits for specific skin concerns:
Anti-aging: stimulates collagen and elastin, firms, boosts circulation, repairs cells
Acne: anti-bacterial, destroys acne bacteria, stabilizes oil glands, speeds up healing, reduces inflammation
Soothing: reduces skin redness, reduces inflammation, boosts lymphatic flow, increases cellular growth
Pigmentation: fades discoloration, lightens sun damage, improves skin tone, reduces redness
How often should I use light therapy? – The more consistently you use light therapy, the more effective it will be, so we recommend doing it on a regular basis. You can schedule regular sessions with your esthetician based on your specific needs. For example, Teresa offers a light therapy treatment for acne that is once a week for 4-8 weeks depending on the severity of your acne. And if you have a handheld device at home once every 24 hours is safe.
Where can I buy a LED light therapy device? – There are many devices on the market, however, you pay for quality. A lot of products tend to seem too good to be true and it is worth it to make an investment in a good quality device. Do your research and talk to trusted professionals to find out what device will be the best option for you. Teresa sells a few brands of light therapy devices. Illuminate Red LED Disk by Aesthetic Skin Systems and LightStim are recommended